FSAI Food Shelf-Life Workshop

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Food Shelf-life Workshop

The FSAI are hosting a free one-day workshop on Food Shelf-Life. Any food producer’s staff who are responsible for calculating and validating the shelf-life of their food products should attend

Date: November 10th 2016

Time: 9.30am – 4.00pm

Location: Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine, Backweston Campus, Young’s Cross, Celbridge, Co. Kildare

Cost: Free

Who should attend: Laboratory managers, supervisors and technicians, regulatory officers and food industry personnel responsible for estimating and validating the shelf life of food products

Content of Workshop – Summary

Session 1

Legal criteria to be met throughout a food product’s shelf-life

Main factors affecting the safety of foods and options available to help estimate, set and verify the shelf-life of food

Durability studies and challenge testing which are two types of laboratory-based studies that can be used.

Session 2 and 3

A laboratory expert who uses the methods set out in the European Union Reference Laboratory for Listeria monocytogenes (EURL Lm) Technical Guidance Document, will present the planning, design and interpretation of durability studies and challenge testing.

Advantages and common pitfalls faced when conducting these studies.


Open Q & A

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