Humour in Packaging

Funny Packaging

Adding some humour to your packaging design can be good for your brand. It can create a positive image of your company and will lend itself to high engagement on social media channels. Have a look at some of the funniest packaging designs we found.

Hair Accessory Carton

Parmesan Cheese Shaped as a Pencil

First Aid Packaging

Paintbrush Sleeve

Paintbrush sleeve - funny design

Dog Accessory Sleeve

Tissue Boxes

Pasta Cartons

Fit Buns

Bread roll window carton- funny

Tea Bags Carton

Tea bags Carton

You can see additional humorous packaging in the links below.

Milk Cartons

Wine bottles

Chewing gum 

Toilet paper

Talk to Dollard Packaging if you would like to discuss your packaging 01 847 00 44 or