Special Finishes Enhances Pierre Cardin Carton

Gold Leaf Award for Pierre Cardin Luxury Carton

Pierre Cardin carton

The new Choc perfume carton from Pierre Cardin is the epitome of luxury packaging. This carton won the Gold Leaf award at the Foil and Speciality Effects Association Awards last year. The carton was produced by the New York based Diamond Packaging.

The FSEA Gold Leaf Awards Competition showcases folding carton decorating capabilities, including foil stamping, embossing, and specialty effects. The Gold Leaf award was for the “Most Difficult Use of Foil and Embossing” category.. The carton was printed with gold and process black inks with a soft touch coating and UV gloss spot coating.

Interested in Special Finishes on Your Carton or Sleeve?

If you would like to discuss special finishes with us, please contact us on 01 847 00 44 and we can help you find the best finish for your carton or sleeve.

You can also read our blog on Special Finishes here.