Plastic-free Window Cartons – Sustainable, Plant-based Film If you are looking to increase the sustainability of your window-patched cartons, you may be interested in a sustainable, eco-friendly window patch material that we can use at Dollard Packaging. How is the sustainable window patch film made? This film is made primarily from cellulose acetate flakes which […]
Cartons are the Most Sustainable Form of Packaging Cartons and Sleeves are the most sustainable form of packaging and form part of the “circular economy”. If you think that letting your customers know that your packaging is fully sustainable may help your brand, you may be interested in this Carton Life Cycle infographic from Procarton. […]
Cartonboard Production and Water Use Infographic This excellent infographic from shows how water is used in the production of cartonboard (the cardboard on which we print your cartons or sleeves) . The good news for users of cartonboard packaging that it is currently the most sustainable form of packaging available. This infographic shows us […]
On Pack Information and Purchase Motivation This is an article on the Hartman Group website on what sort of information on packaging will motivate a consumer to buy. It’s not enough to have information about the products characteristics, consumers want broader information also. Who are the Hartman Group? The Hartman Group is a US research […]
Sustainable Packaging Goals US retailing giant, Target has introduced new packaging sustainability goals. This is further evidence of the massive trend towards more sustainable packaging. One of the largest retail chains in the world, US chain Target has announced five new sustainable packaging goals. Target has already taken the lead on this by announcing a […]
Cartons and Recycling This excellent infographic from shows what happens when cartons are recycled. The good news for users of cartonboard packaging that it is currently the most sustainable form of packaging available. Carton recycling rates are rising every year as can be seen at the foot of this infographic. At Dollard Packaging, we can […]
Eco-Friendly Carton Design featured an interesting article on the redesign of a homeopathic ointment stick packaging which was motivated by a drive for more eco-friendly packaging as well as a desire for an updated package design. Hyland’s are producers of homoeopathic remedies since 1903. They wanted to revamp the packaging for their “Bumps and Bruises” […]
Do consumers buy more from companies they perceive as “green” or sustainable in any way, including whether or not your packaging is compostable/recycled? Yes, according to a new research! This research was carried out by Serviceplan Corporate Reputation communication agency in conjunction with Biesalski & Company management consultancy. Over 8,100 buyers and customers from 104 companies in […]
This wonderful infographic from Procarton shows the journey of the cartonboard that is used in carton packaging. We will be producing the rest of these infographics in future newsletters. Dollard Packaging are Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified. Talk to us if you would like to know more about the sustainability of the board used in […]